Nemko News in Brief for July 2022 
Dear Reader,
While being summer vacation time in many parts of the world, July has still been filled with global headlines for good and for worse. The war in Ukraine and its consequences are continuously in the headlines and still appearing unpredictable. Amongst other hot topics during July were:
The July issue this newsletter covers the following topics which hopefully are found of interest: |
Trond SollieEditor- News in Brief
Breaking News from IndiaAlso this time, it has been some unexpected good news from India - Extended validity period for telecom certificates On 1 July the Indian Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) published a Notification, No. 5-7/2022-TC/TEC announcing that the validity of certificates issued under the program for Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecommunication Equipment (MTCTE) has been extended from 5 to 10 years - Extended validity period for telecom certificates On 25 July, TEC released another Notification, announcing that the below listed three test parameters for LAN switches will be exempted from the MTCTE until 24 January 2023, or until further notice. |
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Major acquisition in Norway As announced briefly in the last issue of this newsletter, Nemko Group AS has acquired the majority of the shares in SINTEF Norlab AS, which is the largest Norwegian owned laboratory group within environmental monitoring, analytical chemistry, microbiology and veterinary medicine.
Highlights of the annual CB scheme management meeting The annual meeting of the IECEE CMC (Certification Management Committee) took place at the end of June, this time as physical meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, hosted by the Canadian IECEE Member Body, CSA. |
Heavy Nordic investments in battery production Clearly, industry and investors have increasingly realized that the green shift is on the rise and see the need for multiplying the efforts to reach current climate targets. In the massive migration from fossil to electric energy, the availability of capable batteries is a major issue. All industries need batteries to electrify their operations for the Green Shift.
The US Department of Energy with new test procedure for external power supplies The US Department of Energy (DOE) has published a new procedure for testing of external power supplies regarding energy efficiency. Essentially, the new procedure amends the scope of power supply types covered and provides details on testing configurations.
Featured Events
30 August - Nemko Cyber Security Seminar (physical) in Hsinchu, Taiwan For information and registration, please contact |
20-22 September - The IEEE/PSES symposium in San Diego, CA, USA For information and registration, please click here |
26-27 September - Nemko USA Customer Seminar in San Diego For information and registration, please click here |
Receive invitations to Nemko webinars on current compliance matters The webinars will be conducted in English, and one will be able to access the recordings afterwards, for own use and sharing with others. Please register here |
GSO courses in the Arabic Gulf Region Information about themes, places and times may be seen here |
IEC Academy courses and webinars Information may be seen here
Hopefully, you are finding these topics to be of interest.
Best regards,
Trond Sollie
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