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    AI trust-Nemko India

    Nemko offers AI assurance to enable ethical and compliant use of AI systems.

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    Stay updated on AI regulation, guidelines, and standards through Nemko’s AI Trust. Nemko supports you with the expertise necessary to facilitate compliance with responsible AI practices.

    What is happening with AI? 

    AI's rapid advancement brings transformative benefits to industries, revolutionizing processes, and augmenting human capabilities. However, alongside its promise, AI poses significant threats to the humanity and to our societies, impacting safety, security, privacy, autonomy, and equality. The exponential growth of AI technologies underscores the urgent need for ethical considerations and robust regulations to ensure its responsible development and deployment.

    What is happening with AI regulation? 

    In response to growing concerns, there's a global push for robust AI regulations. Recent developments include the approval of the AI Act and upcoming regulatory frameworks aimed at addressing ethical issues and mitigating risks associated with AI deployment. These efforts seek to establish clear guidelines for the development of trustworthy AI, ensuring the protection of individuals and societies from potential risks, while also promoting innovation and economic progress.

    A call for action

    Nemko is ready to provide invaluable knowledge and guidance to industries and companies that navigate the evolving AI landscape. Instead of waiting for rules to be imposed, businesses need to adopt responsible AI practices and actively take measures to address ethical concerns. With Nemko's AI Trust, companies can build trust and fully leverage the benefits of AI for society whilst meeting future regulations.

    Nemko helps you with deployment of your AI system, ensuring compliance with regulations and standards.

    The EU AI Act

    The EU AI Act, a trailblazer in AI legislation, aims to ensure the safety, legality, trustworthiness, and respect for fundamental rights in AI systems. It categorizes AI applications based on risk (unacceptable-risk, high-risk, and low-risk), with strict compliance required for high-risk sectors like healthcare and transport. 

    The AI Act demands any data-driven system which is deployed in the EU to comply. Such a wide applicability makes the compliance with EU AI Act a necessity for a wide range of sectors.

    Nemko can help you navigate the AI Act and keep you up to date with the latest changes in the European AI governance.

    US Digital Trust

    The US, along with the EU, plays a vital role in determining the future of global AI governance by setting standards for AI risk management. 

    The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) has been refining and updating the AI Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0) since 2021, providing a comprehensible guide to make AI systems reliable, fair, explainable, transparent and accountability. 

    Future regulatory endeavours, such as the AI Accountability Act, will incorporate NIST’s framework into their approach to ensure the safe development and deployment of AI technologies. 

    At Nemko AI Trust we help your business navigate the US regulatory landscape and along with future regulations.

    The 7 requirements of trustworthy AI

    According to the Ethics Guidelines of Trustworthy AI, an AI system is trustworthy when it is 1) lawful, 2) ethical, and 3) robust. The nature of these guidelines focuses on the last two principles by guiding the user through 7 requirements of trustworthy AI. Those being:

    1. Human agency and oversight
    2. Technical robustness and safety
    3. Privacy and data governance
    4. Transparency
    5. Diversity, non-discrimination, and fairness
    6. Environmental and societal well-being
    7. Accountability

    It is crucial for companies to adhere to these requirements in order to comply seamlessly with regulation based on the same principles, such as the AI Act. Through Nemko AI Trust, we assist you in understanding how to accomplish this and enable the development of trustworthy AI systems.
    Businessman touching global network and data exchanges over the world 3D rendering

    Where can Nemko AI Trust help me with AI Assurance?

    The value of Nemko AI Trust extends to all industries and organizations, particularly those operating within the EU and the US.

    AI Trust

    Why use Nemko AI Trust?

    • Mitigate risks

    • Increase trustworthiness

    • Gain market advantage

    • Improve operational efficiency

    • Foster innovation and safety

    • Ensure global compliance

    • Increase investor confidence

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    Our team is ready to help you get your products to market, worldwide.

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