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    Norwegian Transparency Act, integrity and sustainability in Nemko

    Nemko Group has a global presence in the Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) industry. In Norway, we are present through Nemko Group AS, Nemko Scandinavia AS, System Sikkerhet AS and Nemko Norlab AS.

    Learn more about our activities and geographical footprint from our annual performance report.

    Below, you will find a high-level overview of Nemko’s Integrity and Sustainability initiatives, as well as the most recent focus on decent working conditions to meet the requirements set out in the Norwegian Transparency Act. All activities are work in progress and will undergo continuous improvement.

    2020 – Code of Conduct and Integrity Policy

    In 2020, a new Code of Conduct and an Integrity Policy for Nemko’s conduct and provision of services were established. All employees receive annual integrity trainings, and a whistle-blowing channel has been established. This provides support for all employees handling challenges that may arise in day-to-day work operations.

    2021 – Sustainability Policy

    In order to meet expectations from employees and the wider society, Nemko established an environmental Sustainability Strategy and a corresponding internal Policy. Following a global hearing in the organization, concrete internal goals have been established that outlines clear expectations to all units and employees in Nemko.

    2023 Focus on working conditions (The Norwegian Transparency Act)

    Driven by the Norwegian Transparency Act (Åpenhetsloven, hereafter referred to as the Act), we have carried out a preliminary assessment of the impact on fundamental human rights and working conditions of our operations and services in Norway and the countries where we are established.

    A detailed report on the work we have conducted and planned to meet the minimum requirement of the Norwegian transparency act can be found here.

    2023 - Nemko Global Gifts & Hospitality Guideline

    The Nemko Global Gifts & Hospitality Guideline aims to establish a comprehensive framework for managing gifts and hospitality, emphasizing the potential risks and consequences associated with them, and making it mandatory for Nemko's personnel and partners to adhere to the guidelines.

    For any requests under the Norwegian Transparency Act, please use the following e-mail address  and use the following title: “Norwegian Transparency Act”.

    Lysaker, 1st July 2022

    per ove signature
    Per Ove Øyberg        
    CEO Nemko Group AS    

    Yngvild signature
    Ingvild Myhre

    Chairman of Board of Directors, Nemko Group AS