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The CB Scheme is an international program for exchange and acceptance of product safety test results among participating laboratories and certification organizations across the globe. It’s a simplified way for manufacturers to obtain a variety of national and international safety certifications for their produces. It’s by far the largest international certification scheme for electrical products, making it the closest option there is to worldwide certification.
The CB Scheme is comprised of more than fifty member countries but is also widely accepted outside of these. It’s ideal for manufacturers conducting international trade by providing basic safety compliance of their electrical or electronic products to recognised international standards.
The CB Scheme facilitates the acceptance of test reports when applying for national safety certification in member countries.
Why Nemko?
As one of the largest certification bodies in the CB Scheme, Nemko maintains a higher rate of recognition than other certification bodies. Our team, when needed, will include the European standard, making the CB Scheme also valid as a basis for showing compliance to the Low Voltage Directive (LVD) for CE marking.
Nemko may include testing to national differences to the IEC/EN standards, in order for the CB Scheme test certificate to be readily accepted in other individual countries. There is no annual license or fee for having the CB certificate.

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