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    Accredited Instruments Calibration

    Nemko offers the highest level of calibration service in order to meet any customers’ need for instruments quality control.

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    A thorough knowledge of the performance of the measuring instruments is essential for the effective quality control of various company processes and rely on outside experts is often the most practical, reliable and inexpensive solution for many companies. 

    Depending on your business, you might need a calibration report issued by an accredited laboratory in order to certify the accuracy of instruments used in critical applications. 

    Nemko Italy is an Accredited Calibration Laboratory ( LAT ) by ACCREDIA, Italian National Accreditation Body, for electrical measuring instruments in accordance with the requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017. 

    We can provide an advanced instrument calibration services thanks to: 

    • Highly skilled and professional personnel. Thanks to the competence of our engineers, we can provide a high level calibration service for a wide range of instruments, systems and testing equipment. We have a long experience in calibrating instruments and are constantly updated on both new regulations and methods of measurement and on new equipment available on the market. 
    • Instrumentation technology. We make use of measuring instruments which are constantly checked and renewed. Every year we invest in the purchase of new equipment to ensure our customer the highest level of reliability, efficiency and quality. 

    Accredited or ISO Calibration

    Calibration service offered by Nemko can be:

    ACCREDIA Accredited Certificate

    Within the scope of accreditation, we can provide accredited calibration reports for a wide range of instruments. Accredited calibration service can be only carried out at Nemko Spa laboratory located in Italy near Milan. 

    ISO (not Accredited) Certificate

    ISO Calibration Certificate is generally issued for instruments used in the normal production activities, testing can be performed either at Nemko Spa’s or directly at the customer's premises. This allows our customer to get tailored services together with fast delivery times.

    CB Testing

    Quantities and instrument types 

    Nemko calibrates a large range of instruments. The main groups regards: 

    • Electric quantities (High Frequency and Low Frequency) 
    • Electromagnetic Field 
    • Dimensional 
    • Force / Pressure 
    • Optical 
    • Temperature 
    • Time 
    • Frequency 

    Why choose

    Nemko provide more than 30 years of experience in the instruments calibration and is an Accredited Laboratory for most of the instrumentations.

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