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    International Approvals

    Nemko's international approval services can prevent costly delays and get your products to market, worldwide.

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    Get worldwide market access for your products with our international approval services, Nemko Direct. Nemko Direct conquers barriers and eases regulatory access, reducing costly delays.

    How does Nemko Direct help with international approvals?

    Networking and know-how is everything when you want to access markets with complex regulations. When you sign up for Nemko Direct, our international approvals experts will take care of all the extensive paperwork. They undertake the burden of everything from submitting applications, necessary documentation and follow-up, to communication with foreign approval agencies.

    We have first-hand knowledge about certification and import requirements, fees and legislation in each country.

    How can Nemko provide a fast track to international markets?

    Importantly, Nemko has special arrangements with approval bodies and authorities with many countries that still have mandatory certification for electrical equipment and telecom/radio appliances. Leave it to Nemko to contact the correct officials for the country in question to get your products approved for national markets all over the world.

    Through our unique combination of local presence, international networks and bi-lateral agreements Nemko Direct has obtained tens of thousands of certificates during its 25 years of service.

    Nemko offers certification marks covering your product for numerous international and national certification schemes.

    Select your location for more information

    Nemko Certification Marks

    Evidence of compliance with many different types of standards can be evidenced through obtaining 3rd party certification by Nemko and showing it through display of one of our extensively recognised certification marks.

    Our original N-mark is used to evidence compliance with European safety and EMC standards. Nemko also offers certification services leading to marking with other Nemko marks too for countries such as Canada and the USA.

    Access your certificates and reports 24/7, online and stay up to date on the latest changes to industry standards when you partner with Nemko.

    Asian Certification Services

    Nemko offers a variety of national certifications in Asia through our International Approval scheme, from mandatory national certification through voluntary certifications which are intended to demonstrate that the product has third-party confirmation.

    Our experience has shown that this may help grant better access to your intended markets in China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Cambodia, and beyond.

    European Certification Services

    Confidence in the safety of fully certified products far exceeds that of products only being subject to CE declarations.

    That’s why Nemko offers a variety of European certifications in order to demonstrate that your product meets even the strictest safety regulations by having third-party confirmation which will in turn grant full access your desired markets. Also – for some products a certification is still mandatory in Europe! Here’s how Nemko can help.

    Eastern European Certification Services

    Confidence in the safety of fully certified products far exceeds that of products only being subject to CE declarations.

    That’s why Nemko offers a variety of Eastern European certifications in order to demonstrate that your product meets even the strictest safety regulations by having third-party confirmation which will in turn grant full access your desired markets. Also – for some products a certification is still mandatory in Eastern Europe! Here’s how Nemko can help.

    North American Certification Services

    We live in a competitive world – we need to be first; we need to be fast; we need to be the best. For manufacturers and importers of products in North America, it can be challenging to compete when it comes to placing products on the market. Let Nemko help you certify your product.

    Nemko offers a variety of certification services to demonstrate that your product has the necessary third-party approval to help you get your product on to the US and Canadian and Mexican market. Each market and industry has specific and often complex requirements, all pertaining to the safety and reliability of the product for consumers.

    Leverage Nemko’s extensive knowledge base and array of product certification programs to better understand these requirements and gain the certifications your product needs.

    Central and South American Certification Services

    Nemko offers a variety of certification services to demonstrate that your product has the necessary third-party approval to help you get your product on to the Central and South American markets.

    Nemko’s knowledge and expertise in understanding what it takes to comply with many Central and South American countries’ specific standards helps guide the testing and certification process for efficient approvals.

    To ensure a fast and hassle-free process, let Nemko guide you through your Central and South American market access.

    Some of our key services include:

    United Kingdom Certification Services

    Nemko offers a variety of certification services to demonstrate that your product has the necessary third-party approval to help you get your product on to the United Kingdom market.

    Ensure that your products successfully meet UK standards by working with us.

    Middle East Certification Services

    International Certification Body Scheme

    The IECEE CB scheme is an international programme for the exchange and recognition of test results. Test facilities and certification bodies from more than 50 countries participate, providing a simplified way for manufacturers to obtain a variety of national and international safety certifications for their products.

    As one of the leading certification bodies in the CB scheme, Nemko has established global recognition of its certificates leading to the critical market access our customers need. Learn more about the CB process  here.

    World Map

    Where can Nemko Direct help me with market access?

    The Nemko Direct service is in most East European countries, Asia, South and North America, in addition to countries in the Middle East and Africa.

    Compare market requirements here
    Product certification and approvals

    Why use Nemko Direct?

    • Reduce complexity and reach all relevant international markets
    • Gain faster market access for your product
    • Rely on a flexible and non-bureaucratic service
    • Use a one-stop-shopping service
    • Minimize time-to-market and reduce costly delays
    • Avoid sending samples for retesting
    • Minimize the number of factory inspections

    Contact us!

    Our team is ready to help you to get your products to market, worldwide.

    Let's Get Started